Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States


Latitude: 41.1305600, Longitude: -85.1288900


Matches 1 to 50 of 50

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Dennis, Catherine Marie Margarette  29 Jan 1908Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I226
2 Dennis, Paul James  24 Jul 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I236
3 Dennis, William  26 Jun 1883Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I119
4 Freiburger, Keith Richard  11 Feb 1953Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I10
5 Galland, Earl Joseph  6 Aug 1908Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I28
6 Galland, Jerome Neil  6 Sep 1930Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I195
7 Grasshoff, Frank  14 Mar 1860Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I365
8 Grooms, Elmer William  17 May 1912Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I21
9 Grooms, Jeanneth Clara  19 Jul 1918Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I20
10 Happ, Catherine  1 May 1884Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I224
11 Henkenius, Belinda Lee  8 Dec 1949Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I414
12 Henkenius, Cecelia M  7 Aug 1879Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I163
13 Henkenius, Edith E  29 Apr 1887Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I167
14 Henkenius, Edward F. G.  2 Feb 1885Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I165
15 Henkenius, Emma Elizabeth  14 Apr 1931Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I95
16 Henkenius, Florentine S  31 May 1869Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I161
17 Henkenius, Frank  21 Apr 1854Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I156
18 Henkenius, George  16 Oct 1856Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I133
19 Henkenius, John M  7 Feb 1892Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I137
20 Henkenius, Joseph  17 Dec 1886Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I74
21 Henkenius, Leo Joseph  24 Mar 1926Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I93
22 Henkenius, Mary R  5 Oct 1920Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I91
23 Henkenius, Rosella Emma  28 Oct 1889Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I166
24 Henkenius, Rudolph  2 Jan 1905Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I157
25 Henkenius, Ruth Louise  9 Jan 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I90
26 Henkenius, Viola Irene  14 Nov 1912Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I130
27 Hensch, Betty Lou  4 Oct 1927Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I275
28 Hensch, Sharon Ladell  4 Feb 1935Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I274
29 Himbert, Helen Margaret  4 Mar 1895Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I113
30 Kelker, Arthur D  24 Nov 1881Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I394
31 Keller, Albert John  3 Apr 1865Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I66
32 Keller, Eileen Theresa  14 Jan 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I105
33 Kohlman, Mary A  Jul 1857Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I162
34 Kratzman, Mary Kathryn  11 May 1926Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I267
35 Kukuk, Clara M  1882Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I390
36 Kukuk, Frank Anthony  1877Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I391
37 Masel, William B.  23 Oct 1880Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I141
38 Mcintosh, Patrica Ann  15 Aug 1928Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I41
39 Mills, Nina Viola  17 Aug 1910Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I208
40 Roberson, Thelma I  21 Feb 1922Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I292
41 Rosenogle, Betty Marie  12 May 1933Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I286
42 Rosenogle, Donald Jay  27 Sep 1931Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I285
43 Spillner, Dolores Katherine  20 Sep 1918Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I115
44 Spillner, Jack E.  5 Apr 1933Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I255
45 Spillner, Robert Harold  11 Jun 1930Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I209
46 Spillner, William  13 Nov 1911Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I205
47 Stier, Arthur Julian  22 Dec 1892Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I221
48 Stier, Delmar Anthony  10 Feb 1920Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I222
49 Vaughn, Laverne Dorothy  26 May 1929Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I192
50 Yaste, Patricia Lou  31 Aug 1928Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I241


Matches 1 to 50 of 81

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Bentley, Rosemary Lillian  21 Feb 2002Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I111
2 Benton, Roy Victor  10 Jun 1967Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I229
3 Dennis, Christiana Amelia  19 Nov 1984Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I121
4 Dennis, Frank  18 May 1962Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I118
5 Dennis, Helen Marie  20 Oct 1978Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I232
6 Dennis, John  23 Dec 1964Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I120
7 Dennis, Michael  1940Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I64
8 Dennis, Paul James  26 Apr 1986Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I236
9 Dennis, William  21 May 1974Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I119
10 Ehinger, Edwin  13 Jul 1977Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I211
11 Ehinger, Eileen Carolyn  May 1978Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I217
12 Ehinger, Eugene John  27 Jul 1976Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I210
13 Ehinger, Kathryn Anne  31 Jul 1985Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I262
14 Ehinger, Paul Bernard  9 May 2008Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I214
15 Evarts, Anna Belle  21 Jun 1917Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I32
16 Foley, Catherine I  11 Mar 1895Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I329
17 Forsythe, Emma Louise  21 Dec 1951Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I89
18 Freiburger, Keith Richard  29 Sep 2009Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I10
19 Freiburger, Richard H.  20 Jul 1975Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I9
20 Galland, Earl Joseph  1 Nov 1998Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I28
21 Galland, Leo Peter  18 Sep 1962Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I25
22 Grashof, Veronika  11 Jun 1893Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I306
23 Grasshoff, Antonetta Fernandina  18 Jan 1901Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I155
24 Grasshoff, Frank  6 Oct 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I365
25 Grasshoff, Friderich Joseph  14 May 1892Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I313
26 Grooms, Elmer William  21 May 1988Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I21
27 Grooms, Jeanneth Clara  15 Jul 2001Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I20
28 Grooms, Madge J  1998Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I22
29 Grooms, Vernon R  1 May 1951Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I18
30 Hake, Frank  12 Dec 1894Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I172
31 Hake, Frank Jr  25 Dec 1894Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I55
32 Hake, Lena  2 Jul 1936Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I51
33 Hake, Mary L.  29 Sep 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I176
34 Happ, Catherine  27 Mar 1908Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I224
35 Henkenius, Belinda Lee  8 Mar 1953Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I414
36 Henkenius, Cecelia M  29 Jul 1961Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I163
37 Henkenius, Charlene Marie  19 Jun 2017Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I96
38 Henkenius, Charles Carl  3 Aug 1969Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I136
39 Henkenius, Edith E  15 Dec 1973Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I167
40 Henkenius, Edward F. G.  2 Mar 1908Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I165
41 Henkenius, Emma Elizabeth  30 Oct 2014Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I95
42 Henkenius, Florentine S  12 Apr 1951Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I161
43 Henkenius, Francis  2 Nov 1928Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I135
44 Henkenius, Franciscus "Frank"  30 Sep 1878Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I154
45 Henkenius, Frank  8 Nov 1917Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I156
46 Henkenius, George  15 Apr 1931Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I133
47 Henkenius, Jean C  12 Dec 2003Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I92
48 Henkenius, Mary R  1 Aug 1944Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I91
49 Henkenius, Neil Thomas  6 Jan 2016Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I94
50 Hensch, Betty Lou  22 Dec 2008Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I275

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Matches 1 to 50 of 73

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Backus, Christina  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I173
2 Bentley, Rosemary Lillian  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I111
3 Benton, Roy Victor  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I229
4 Dennis, Catherine Marie Margarette  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I226
5 Dennis, Christiana Amelia  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I121
6 Dennis, Frank  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I118
7 Dennis, Helen Marie  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I232
8 Dennis, Michael  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I64
9 Dennis, Paul James  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I236
10 Dennis, William  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I119
11 Devine, Dolorous G  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I104
12 Ehinger, Kathryn Anne  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I262
13 Ehinger, Paul Bernard  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I214
14 Evarts, Anna Belle  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I32
15 Foley, Catherine I  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I329
16 Forsythe, Emma Louise  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I89
17 Freiburger, Richard H.  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I9
18 Fuchs, George  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I307
19 Galland, Leo Peter  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I25
20 Galland, Robert S  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I33
21 Grashof, Veronika  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I306
22 Grooms, Dorothy Marie  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I19
23 Grooms, Elmer William  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I21
24 Grooms, Madge J  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I22
25 Grooms, Vernon R  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I18
26 Hake, Anna  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I54
27 Hake, Christine T  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I179
28 Hake, Frank Jr  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I55
29 Hake, Frank  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I172
30 Hake, Mary L.  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I176
31 Happ, Catherine  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I224
32 Harter, Jerold Lawrence  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I277
33 Henkenius, Cecelia M  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I163
34 Henkenius, Charles Carl  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I136
35 Henkenius, Edith E  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I167
36 Henkenius, Emma Elizabeth  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I95
37 Henkenius, Francis  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I135
38 Henkenius, Franciscus "Frank"  2 Oct 1878Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I154
39 Henkenius, Frank  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I156
40 Henkenius, George  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I133
41 Henkenius, Jean C  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I92
42 Henkenius, Leo Joseph  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I93
43 Henkenius, Mary R  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I91
44 Henkenius, Neil Thomas  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I94
45 Henkenius, Peter  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I158
46 Hensch, Betty Lou  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I275
47 Hensch, Clarence C  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I273
48 Hensch, Sharon Ladell  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I274
49 Himbert, Christina T  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I116
50 Himbert, Loretta  Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States I122

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Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Ehinger / Himbert  21 May 1919Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F61
2 Galland / Bentley  30 Jun 1973Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F19
3 Harter / Hensch  19 Jun 1971Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F122
4 Henkenius / Kohlman  1877Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F88
5 Keller / Baxter  25 Jun 1914Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F38
6 Keller / Henkenius  14 Apr 1887Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F35
7 Kukuk / Stork  16 Aug 1873Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F156
8 Masel / Henkenius  20 Nov 1901Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F78
9 Skordos / Ehinger  16 Apr 1982Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F121
10 Spillner / Schulthiess  9 Jul 1976Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F119
11 Stier / Himbert  23 Jun 1915Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, United States F64

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